Animez vos pages HTML5
avec CSS3 et SVG

Martin Gorner
Dataconnexions II, Paris le 20 juin 2012

Animate your HTML5 with CSS3 and SVG Martin Gorner Dataconnexions II, Paris, June 20, 2012

1. Les Transitions

1. CSS transitions


left: 0px;
left: 500px;
--self-- --self-- --self--


left: 0px;
-webkit-transition: 1s;
left: 500px;
-webkit-transition: 1s;
--self-- --self-- --self--

On peut combiner les propriétés CSS.

left: 0px;
-webkit-transition: 1s;
left: 500px;
-webkit-transition: 1s;
A transition can animate multiple CSS properties --self-- --self-- --self--
ease (default)

--self-- --self-- --self-- --self-- --self--
Profil de vitesse en
-webkit-transition: 1s
cubic-bezier(0, 0.9, 0.1, 1);
Cubic Bezier speed function

1. Transitions (résumé)


1. CSS transitions (summary) --self--

2. Les Animations

2. CSS animations

2. Animations et Keyframes

.move { -webkit-animation: anim1 5s linear infinite; }
@-webkit-keyframes anim1
   from {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
   to  {-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); }
2. Animations and keyframes --self-- --self--

2. Animations et Keyframes

.move {-webkit-animation: anim2 ease-in-out 3s infinite alternate; }
@-webkit-keyframes anim2
   from {left: 0px;   -webkit-transform: scale(1.0) rotate(0deg)   }
   50%  {left: 250px; -webkit-transform: scale(0.8) rotate(10deg)  }
   to   {left: 500px; -webkit-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-20deg) }
2. Animations and keyframes --self-- --self--

2. Animations (résumé)


2. CSS animations (summary) --self--

3. Les Transformations 2D en CSS3

3. CSS transforms in 2D

Transformations géométriques 2D

skew(20deg, 20deg);

liste complète des transformations 2D:
rotate, scale, skew, translate, matrix

2D geometric transforms Full list of 2D transform functions: --self--

Transformations géométriques 2D

On peut spécifier l'origine de la transformation.

-webkit-transform-origin: 0% 100%;
-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
2D geometric transforms You can set the origin of the transform.

Quelques autres effets utiles

-webkit-opacity: 0.4
10px 10px 15px grey;
below 20px
opacity box-shadox
A few additional useful effects --self-- --self-- --self-- --self--

4. Les Transformations 3D en CSS3

4. CSS transforms in 3D

Transformations géométriques 3D

rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ, rotate3d, matrix3d

-webkit-transform: rotateY(360deg);

3D geometric transforms --self--

Transformations géométriques 3D

translateX, translateY, translateZ, translate3d

-webkit-transform: translateZ(150px)  /* first picture */
-webkit-transform: translateZ(-150px) /* second picture */
3D geometric transforms --self--

La perspective

Ce n'est pas ce qu'on veut: il manque la perspective!
Cliquer pour la rajouter.
-webkit-perspective: 1000px;
Perspective That is not what you wanted: there is no perspective! Click to add it. --self--

La perspective

-webkit-perspective: f

Perspective --self-- --self--

La propriété transform-style

-webkit-transform-style: flat; /* default value */
The transform-style property --self-- --self-- --self--

La propriété transform-style

-webkit-transform-style:           preserve-3d;
The transform-style property --self-- --self-- --self--

Bonne habitudes pour travailler en 3D

 SCENE {-webkit-perspective: 1000px}
OBJECT {-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d   -webkit-transform: rotateX(30deg) ...;}
{-webkit-transform: translateZ(150px);}
Best prectices for working in 3D --self-- --self-- --self-- --self--

Les CSS du cube 3D

	-webkit-perspective: 1000px;
	width: 600px;
	height: 340px;
	-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
	-webkit-transform: rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg);
	position: absolute;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	position: absolute;
	left: 165px;
	top: 15px;
.FACE.im1 { -webkit-transform: translateZ(150px); }
.FACE.im2 { -webkit-transform: translateZ(-150px); }
.FACE.im3 { -webkit-transform: translateX(150px) rotateY(90deg);}
.FACE.im4 { -webkit-transform: translateX(-150px) rotateY(-90deg);}
.FACE.im5 { -webkit-transform: translateY(150px) rotateX(90deg);}
.FACE.im6 { -webkit-transform: translateY(-150px) rotateX(-90deg);}
The CSS of the 3D cube --self-- --self-- --self--

CSS 3D: animations, transition et transformation peuvent être combinées

CSS 3D: animations, transitions and transforms can be combined

5. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)


SVG: les primitives

<line x1 y1 x2 y2>
<rect x y width height>
<circle cx cy r>
<path d>
<image x y width height xlink:href>
	<rect x="5" y="5" width="140" height="140" stroke="#000000"
	stroke-width="4" fill="#AAAAFF" opacity="1"/>
SVG: primitives

SVG: path - l'outil à tout faire

L - ligne

C - bézier cubique

Q - bézier quadratique

A - arc d'ellipse

M - Marqueur (nlle. pos. stylo)

z - pour fermer la courbe

	<path d="M 30,240 Q 170,40 260,230" stroke="#F00" />
	<path d="M 30,240 C 70,90 210,150 260,230" stroke="#F00" />

utilisez: INKSCAPE

SVG: path - the all-purpose tool L - line C - cubic bézier Q - quadratic bézier A - elliptic arc M - marker (new pen position) z - to close the path --self-- --self-- --self-- --self-- --self-- --self-- use: --self--

SVG: Transformations géométriques 2D

transform =
"translate(30, 0)"
transform =
"rotate(90, 100, 100)"
transform =

liste complète des transformations 2D:
translate, rotate, scale, skewX, skewY, matrix

<rect ... transform="translate(10,10) rotate(25) scale(2)">

SVG: geometric transforms in 2D full list of 2D transforms: --self-- --self--

SVG+SMIL: animation sur un attribut

<circle cx="200" cy="205" r="80" >
	<animate dur="3s" attributeName="r" values="80; 150; 80"
	repeatCount="indefinite" />
SVG+SMIL: animating an attribute

SVG+SMIL: l'attribut peut être le 'd' d'un tag path!

<path fill="#fff">
<animate attributeName="d" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite"
values="m 0,0  c  1,15 -13,45  -45,45  -32,0 -44,-28 -44,-44  z;
        m 0,0  c -4,15 -66,106 -98,106 -32,0   3,-89   9,-105 z" />
SVG+SMIL: the attribute can be the 'd' of a path tag!

SVG+SMIL: animateTransform

<g> ... <!-- formes SVG groupées ici -->
  <animateTransform dur="3s" repeatCount="indefinite" additive="sum"
  attributeName="transform" type="translate" values="0,0; 200,-130" />
  <animateTransform dur="3s" repeatCount="indefinite" additive="sum"
  attributeName="transform" type="rotate" values="0; 20" />
--self-- SVG primitives group --self--

SVG+SMIL: animateMotion

   ... <!-- formes SVG groupées ici -->
   <animateMotion dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"
   path="m 0,0 a 15,11 0 1 1 -30,0 15,11 0 1 1 30,0 z" />
--self-- SVG primitives group

SVG+SMIL: vitesse d'animation avec keySplines

1 temps 1 position 0 0
0.35 0 0.65 1
<animateTransform  calcMode="spline"
  dur="3s" attributeName="transform"
  type="rotate" repeatCount="indefinite"
  keySplines="0.35 0 0.65 1; 0.35 0 0.65 1"
  values="20,310,400; -20,310,400; 20,310,400" />
SVG+SMIL: animation speed with keySplines --self-- time --self-- --self-- --self-- --self-- --self-- --self-- --self-- --self-- --self-- --self--

SVG: contrôle de l'animation avec les attributs begin, end et fill

<animate begin="..." end="..." fill="freeze" ... />

Un temps:


Un événement souris:


Un événement d'animation:


Une combinaison de tout ça:

begin="animID.end + 1s; 10s"
SVG: controlling the animation with the begin, end and fill attributes --self-- A time: A mouse event: An animation event: A combination of all that:

SVG: contrôle de l'animation en javascript




<g onclick="document.getElementById('svg_id').pauseAnimations()">...</g>
SVG: controlling the animation in javascript --self-- --self-- --self-- --self--

Les 4 techniques d'animation en HTML5

CSS3déclaratifobjets HTML uniquement, aucun contrôle de trajectoire
SVG + SMILdéclaratifcourbes, trajectoires courbes mais préprogrammées
Canvas + Javascriptprogrammatiqueboucle d'animation avec modèle et interactions libres, 2D uniquement
WebGLprogrammatiquefull 3D
4 HTML5 animation techniques CSS3 declarative only HTML objects, no control over trajectory SVG+SMIL declarative curves, curved trajectories, but only preprogrammed ones Canvas+Javascript programmatic animation loop with interactive world model, 2D only WebGL programmatic full 3D



Martin Gorner, Relations Développeurs, Google

Cette présentation est en ligne:

Plus d'infos:

--self-- --self-- , Developer Relations, Google --self-- --self-- This presentation is online: --self-- --self-- --self-- More information: --self-- --self-- --self--